Parking Lot Painting Keeps Your Business Safer and Looking Professional

If you own a business with an adjoining parking lot, you know how important parking lot line painting can be; it helps direct incoming and outgoing traffic safely and efficiently, and the way you design your lot will determine the number of vehicles it will hold. Obviously, you want the number of parking spaces maximized for your customers, but you also need to make the best use of the available space in your lot. This is where a professional team of parking lot painting professionals can be invaluable. They can assess your lot and make recommendations regarding entrances, exits, and the arrangement of the parking spaces, as well as make sure that you are compliant with local codes as well as the ADA.

When you deal with an experienced parking lot striping paint crew like White Wolf Striping, you can rely on their knowledge to assist you in coming up with an ideal layout for your lot, including handicapped parking, fire lanes, loading and unloading areas, specialized vehicle parking, and more. They can help you determine if your lot is better suited to straight-in parking, or if angled parking spaces and a one-way traffic flow might better serve your needs. Once the planning phase is complete and approved they can arrange a good time to do the actually painting.

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Prior to painting there is some prep work which your painting team will need to take care of. This includes cleaning the lot thoroughly, usually with commercial blowers, to remove anything which might interfere with the painting process. After that, areas are marked off with traffic cones and the painting begins. The paint used is specially designed and formulated for parking lot and pavement use and complies with the latest federal and state specifications. The paint is usually dry within thirty minutes, so an entire parking lot can be done in a very reasonable amount of time, and to keep the disruption to a minimum, the painting can be done either before or after regular business hours.

There are some factors which need to be considered when the project is being planned. Extra work may be entailed if the new paint scheme doesn’t match the old one and some older sections have to be blacked out to prevent ghosting. If your lot is older and requires additional cleaning before painting that may include some extra expense. Over time, even the best parking lots can begin to look faded, so you may want to consider taking advantage of an annual striping service to keep your lot looking safe and well-maintained. Your parking lot line painting team can provide you with specific details regarding what kinds of plans they offer for this service.

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